Contrasting and Comparing the ARNG and Army:

2. Along the line as #1, if I want to move to Hawaii, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, or any other state in this country there is an opportunity for me to transition into the ARNG in those states. This allows for the individual to determine where they move, not the military as in the regular Army. However, in recent times the big Army is doing a good job of shifting their people around the same large posts to allow for continuity in a career. This is more evident as the defense department continues to eliminate the smaller CONUS posts and consolidates into the larger posts throughout the country.
3. Overall experience - In the ARNG, a soldier has a civilian job, or they attend college to advance their personal career choice all while maintaining their ARNG career on the side. This allows for a greater experience in life in general. Most ARNG soldiers are proficient in more than just their military specialty. That is because being an infantry soldier is not the only job they have. This would mainly pertain to the career soldiers who do not pursue higher education, then they get out after 20 years without anything but their military background to rely upon. In many cases this should be enough to get a god job while collecting the pension from the military, but there is great benefit that comes from experience, not just military, but civilian also. A combination of the two give most an edge on their civilian only or military only counterparts.
4. Combat readiness - Without a doubt the big Army is superior in combat readiness, it is their daily job. They can deploy to combat in less than 24 hours, for the ARNG, well we need a 3 month circus known as pre-deployment training. Now, I personally do not think it takes this long to become combat ready, but some genius who is obviously much smarter, and has much more rank than me makes these decisions.
5. Combat effectiveness - Just because the big Army is more combat ready that does not always transition into a higher level of combat effectiveness. The combat units from the ARNG have proven themselves worthy counterparts to their big Army brethren.
6. Fiscal responsibility - The government as a whole is horrible at managing the financial responsibility it has to the nation. In my opinion there needs to be a very detailed audit of government spending in the military and throughout all agencies. Just because you feel something would benefit your specific government agency that does not mean that it should be purchased. There is probably equal waste in both the big Army and ARNG, however, the big Army is full time. If we need cuts, take a few brigades from the big Army and transition them into ARNG brigades over the next ten years. Boost the level of readiness for the ARNG and we will not lose any true defense readiness with this move. Part-time is cheaper to afford than full-time, just my thoughts.

There were no kegger parties, or excessive craziness apparent to me as I started drilling on weekends at the 211th. It wasn't "Three Kings" stateside. It became a very interesting animal as I continued to learn how the ARNG worked. I was happy that I made the decision and as I have explained in my book, after a few months I became more and more comfortable in my role. Usually takes me a while, but my first experience being activated with the ARNG would be as a member of the security forces supporting the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. More to follow on this experience, it would be the driving force of my foundation in the ARNG.
Saw Phil McConkey (US Navy Veteran and former New York Giant receiver) on Fox News this AM (9/30/12), check out this website - Academy Securities - for info on his ongoing support of military Vets. He is a huge reason, along with Joe Morris, and Mark Bavaro, as to why I am now a Giants fan. Go Big Blue!